Freedom as Form, Milan 2016, Wunderkammeren Gallery
BR1, Alexis Diaz, Eron, Faith XLVII
Freedom is considered one of the most important ideals by nearly all of humanity. With boundary lines that shift according to any given period of history, or differing cultures, it has long been a topic of discussion amongst philosophers and intellectuals alike; it is constantly analysed from subjective and partial viewpoints. Today, the word freedom is too often overused, distorted and even exploited to justify intolerable actions worldwide. The concept of freedom activates complex themes, foremost of which is the relationship between individuality and group identity. What are the limits of our individual personal freedom? When might our “free” actions begin to damage the community to which we belong? Each artist will explore these questions, and they will give Form to Freedom. In this sense, the show Freedom as Form directs attention also to the artists’ aesthetics, distinctive and different for each one, as a metaphor for their freedom of expression.