Medicinal Flowers of Lebanon, Beirut, Lebanon, 2021
Faith’s new series, ‘Medicinal Flowers of Lebanon’ leads us along brittle sites of Beirut, tracing past and present scars etched into the city.
Each flower urges us in a sense, towards healing as they grow out of the concrete.
Created as part of the Underline Project, with Persona Collective and the Art of Change.
@persona.help @artofchange.global
Special thanks to Nisrine Machaka-Houri for her encouragement and research work.

Rosa Canina
Dog rose / rose hips
Rosa Canina provides a rich source of Vitamin C, with about 1700-2000 mg per 100g in dried product.
Used as a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis, for reducing symptoms of knee and hip osteoarthritis,
facilitates fat metabolism, protects tissues from free radical damage and assists the nervous system
by converting certain amino acids into neurotransmitters.
Rosa Canina protects joints and connective tissues, protects adrenal function,
and can be used to prevent urinary bladder infections as well as in treating dizziness and headaches.
It is used externally in oil form to restore firmness to skin by nourishing and astringing tissue.
Brewed into a decoction, it can also be used to treat constipation and as rose hips contain lots of iron,
rose hip tea is used during menstruation to make up for iron loss.

كارلين الشوك
Carlina Involucrata
Involucrate carline-thistle, African carline thistle
Carlina Involucrata is effective for the treatment of gallbladder disease,
poor digestion and spasms of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
It can be used as a tonic, as a diuretic to reduce water retention and to cause sweating.
Carlina can be applied directly to the skin for treating skin diseases,
rinsing wounds and ulcers and treating cancer of the tongue.
Preparations can be used for herpes outbreaks, pimples, and toothaches.

Cichorium intybus / chicory
The flowers of the chicory plant are used as a treatment of everyday ailments such as a tonic and appetite stimulant
as well as a treatment of gallstones, gastroenteritis, sinus problems, cuts, and bruises.
Chicory has a long history of herbal use and is especially of great value for its tonic effect
upon the liver and digestive tract.
The root and the leaves are appetizer, cholagogue, depurative, digestive, diuretic, hypoglycaemic, laxative and tonic.
A decoction of the root has proved to be of benefit in the treatment of jaundice, liver enlargement, gout and rheumatism.
The root can be used fresh or dried, it is best harvested in the autumn.
The leaves are harvested as the plant comes into flower and can also be dried for later use.

ظيان لهبي
Clematis flammula
sweet Virgin’s-bower, fragrant virgin’s bower, white rock rose
Clematis flammula is to be used with caution and in the proper dosage.
When crushed, the young fragments of this plant can be applied to the skin to induce blood draining.
Clematis is used for rheumatism, headaches, varicose veins, syphilis, gout, bone disorders, ongoing skin conditions, and fluid retention.
Some people apply clematis directly to the skin for blisters and in a wet dressing to treat infected wounds and ulcers.

المزراق الأصفر
Glaucium flavum / Horned Poppy
The leaves of this herb are used to heal ulcers as well as for liver stones.
It is very common to use the juice to reduce warts.
In veterinary medicine it can be used for cleaning ulcers and sores of animals.
Glaucine is the main alkaloid component in Glaucium flavum. Glaucine has bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects,
acting as a PDE inhibitor and calcium channel blocker and is used medically as an antitussive.
Glaucine may produce side effects such as sedation, fatigue, and a hallucinogenic effect
characterised by colourful visual images, and as a recreational drug.

Asphodelus microcarpus
small-fruited asphodel, common asphodel, summer
Asphodelus microcarpus can be used as a treatment for warts.
According to Dioscorides, a concoction made from its roots (mixed with wine) induces vomiting.
Formerly, the entire plant was used in treating poisonous snake bites.
It is also known to cure ulcers, infections, tuberculosis, ear infections, and tooth ache.
The bulbs and roots are used to treat ectodermal parasites, jaundice, and psoriasis.
It is used by Bedouins in Sinai and Egypt, as an antimicrobial agent.