CHANT, SOUTH AFRICA, 2020 As a part of the preparation for Faith’s Major Solo Exhibition CHANT, the city of Johannesburg was engraved with a repetitive mantra. Gathering momentum, a form of monophonic, unaccompanied sacred song. A traditional means of preparing the mind for meditation within the Chaotic world.
Petroleum 4 Layer Silkscreen Print , 2020 7.8 x 10.2 inches Edition of 100 SOLD OUT Petroleum is a four layer Silkscreen Edition, which has been signed and numbered by Faith, and printed on pages from the book, ‘PRICE THEORY‘, by Milton Friedman. This piece investigates the legacy of unrestrained beast that is Neoliberalism. .
LEVESCERE, MULTIPLE COUNTRIES, ONGOING For this series Faith created her own typeface that can be structured over various surfaces. Faith’s Levescere series explores the relationship of words and phrases within physical environments. Sentences linger in Los Angeles, CHANT in South Africa, phrases ache in Beruit. Power looms in Columbia. A call. To become. To know […]
THE SILENT WATCHER, PHILADELPHIA, 2019 In Philadelphia, Faith completed her largest mural to date, as of 2019. Standing 11.000 square feet tall , this piece pays tribute to Noam Chomsky, and calls out for brotherly love. The mural has become a visual landmark and gateway from University City to West Philadelphia. In Faith’s own words; ‘I […]
THE SILENT WATCHER, PHILADELPHIA, 2019 MURAL BY INTERNATIONAL ARTIST FAITH XLVII Produced by MURAL ARTS PHILADELPHIA & created for UNIVERSITY SQUARE complex The Silent Watcher is an 11,000 square foot mural on the eastern wall of the University Square building, which is 19 stories high. The mural has become a visual landmark and gateway from […]
Ad Pacem, Cincinnati, USA, 2019 Internationally renowned South African artists Inka Kendzia and Faith XLVII presented their new collaborative projection-mapped mural in Cincinnati during the Blink Light Festival. Faith’s mural, thematically based on Eirene, the Greek goddess of peace, highlights the importance of actively working towards a society that functions on open communication and inclusion. […]
ASTRONOMIA NOVA, SWEDEN, 2019 The third installation of the Astronomia Nova installation was created in Fjallnas, Sweden during the Alpine Fellowship Conference. This collaborative installation by Lyall Spring and Faith XLVII was set in the forest and introduced to the Fellowship Participants within a ceremonial setting. Inviting the viewers for a moment to experience the […]